Treating Migraine Headaches and Trigeminal Neuralgia with TCM
Headaches are one of the most commonly seen disorders in daily practice. Generally speaking, the results from TCM treatment are quite good. Patients feel happy when they are free from pain and discomfort and they do not need to use western medications which often have strong side effects. Trigeminal neuralgia is also a condition which affects many of our patients.
In this lecture, after briefly review of anatomy, physiology and pathology in western medicine related with headache, Dr. Yang will go to detail about migraine headache and trigeminal neuralgia which can be difficult to treat. She reveals the reasons, triggers and clinical features of these disorders. Afterwards, she will discuss the treatment. With her more than 30-year experience in TCM treatment, she will select and emphasize the most effective treatments and therapy combinations using acupuncture, Chinese herbs, dietary advice, life style advice and psychological coaching. She will give tips on strategies and prognosis of different type of headaches. She hopes participants will get more insight in the treatment of headaches and trigeminal neuralgia and improve their clinical results.
Course language: English
Prerequisites: TCM training in herbal medicine and acupuncture
Dates: Saturday January 15th, 2022
Note: This is a live webinar only. A recording will be available for one month after the date of the webinar for participants to review. It will not be available after that.
Times: 10-12:00 / 13:00-16:00 CET
Please note: In order to receive a certificate for attending this webinar you will be required to pass a short multiple-choice quiz
NOTE: This webinar has already ended and is no longer available for sale