Due to the long history of Chinese medicine and different interpretations, pulse and tongue diagnosis has become a very complex practice, especially in the West. The pulse and tongue diagnosis in CCM (Classical Chinese Medicine), on the other hand, is not difficult to learn, but it’s also not easy to teach. In this seminar, Dr. Li Jie will present the original CCM pulse and tongue diagnosis in a simplified and clinically easy-to-use version.
Mai Zhen (pulse diagnosis) and She Xiang (tongue pictures) have always been very important factors for CCM practitioners. In the Huang Di Nei Jing it is said that the acupuncturist should perform pulse diagnosis on the patient before needling and then conceive the treatment according to the state of the Qi. Also in the works of Zhang Zhong Jing, the Shang Han Lun and Jin Gui Yao Lue, the differentiation of pulses is described.
In this seminar, Dr. Li Jie will present the original CCM pulse and tongue diagnosis in a simplified and clinically easy-to-use version.
The aim of this training course is to master true CCM pulse and tongue diagnosis and its application in clinical practice.
The following topics will be discussed:
1. Feeling the depth of the pulse in any position. Differentiation between the five levels of the five Zang pulses. Understanding the clinical manifestations of the five Zang pulses according to the classical Nan Jing system.
2. Introduction to the nature of the Yin Yang and Wu Xing pulses and the Qi mechanism of the Liu Jing according to the Huang Di Nei Jing, Nan Jing and Shang Han Lun.
3. Introduction of tongue pictures according to the Huang Di Nei Jing, Nan Jing and Shang Han Lun.
4. The 10 pulses according to the Nan Jing and Shang Han Lun: 'Huan (Chi), Xiao, Se, Chen, Duan; Ji (Shuo Dong), Da, Hua, Fu, Chang.' Pulses as a guide to clinical practice.
5. Introduction of methods and mechanisms for the use of pulse and tongue information for prescribing classic herbal formulas and acupuncture point combinations. Prognosis and evaluating treatments with pulse and tongue information.
6. Discussion of case histories.
Since we offer webinars in different languages from speakers with different accents, we encourage people to listen to the speaker first to make sure that that you can understand them well.
Click here to watch a short interview with Dr Li Jie on YouTube
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