Lesson 06: Luteal Phase Defect, LUF Syndrome, Hyperprolactinemia

LPD is a very common, often underdiagnosed, conditionwhich can make it difficult to conceive. The webinar will discuss how to detect and treat a luteal phase problem. What is a luteinised unruptured follicle syndrome and what does hyperprolactinemia have to do with the female cycle or infertility? On the sixth webinar we figure out the causes of these clinical patterns and how we can treat them.
Course language: English
Prerequisite: Specialized knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine
Script: Book "Female Infertility and Reproductive Gynaecology", to be obtained individually.


Webinar Recorded

Lesson 06: Luteal Phase Defect, LUF Syndrome, Hyperprolactinemia

CHF 80.00

Complete course

Reproductive Gynaecology and Infertility in Chinese and Western Medicine

CHF 702.00