Lesson 05: PCOS Syndrome, Myomas, Benign Ovarian Cysts

FRIDAY, MAY 21 2021
PCO is one of the most common causes of infertilityand can also lead to illness later in life. Myomas can cause substantial pain and bleeding and can complicate the process of trying to conceive. Recognising and treating benign ovarian cysts is often very important since they can arise spontaneously or as a side effect of ART treatments. In this webinar the lecturers will impart knowledge of various forms of ovarian cysts and how to treat them.
Course language: English (with German subtitles on the recording)
Prerequisite: Specialized knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine
Script: Book "Female Infertility and Reproductive Gynaecology", to be obtained individually.


Webinar Recorded

Lesson 05: PCOS Syndrome, Myomas, Benign Ovarian Cysts

CHF 80.00

Complete course

Reproductive Gynaecology and Infertility in Chinese and Western Medicine

CHF 702.00