Lesson 07: Tubal Infertility, Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Premature Ovarian Failure

Total fallopian tube infertility is very rare. Thereare different stages and causes of tubal obstruction. Accordingly, one has to assess each patient carefully in order to be able to assess whether to offer treatment and how to treat so as to help with the woman’s attempt to conceive. If a women under 40 has either an irregular cycle or amenorrhea with increased FSH levels or a regular cycle but reduced AMH levels, then diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) or premature ovarian failure (POF) must be considered. What does this mean in Chinese medicine? Is pregnancy still possible?
Course language: English
Prerequisite: Specialized knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine
Script: Book "Female Infertility and Reproductive Gynaecology", to be obtained individually.


Webinar Recorded

Lesson 07: Tubal Infertility, Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Premature Ovarian Failure

EUR 80.00

Complete course

Reproductive Gynaecology and Infertility in Chinese and Western Medicine

EUR 702.00