Lesson 03: Regulating the Cycle, Part Two: Beng Lou / Abnormal Uterine Bleeding, Amenorrhea, Anorexia, Premenstrual Syndrome

In the second part of the discussion on the Yue Jing Bing, we discuss the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, amenorrhea and common presentations of PMS. Beng Lou is a disruption of the duration of bleeding, blood volume and cycle length, which needs to be corrected before a woman con conceive. Re-establishing a cycle and ovulation is also crucial for those women suffering amenorrhea. Commen patterns of distress before the period can also be an impediment to conceiving. Treating PMS is an important factor in helping a woman to success in trying to conceive and maintain a pregnancy.
Course language: English
Specialized knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine
Script: Book "Female Infertility and Reproductive Gynaecology", to be obtained individually.


Webinar Recorded

Lesson 03: Regulating the Cycle, Part Two: Beng Lou / Abnormal Uterine Bleeding, Amenorrhea, Anorexia, Premenstrual Syndrome

EUR 78.00

Complete course

Reproductive Gynaecology and Infertility in Chinese and Western Medicine

EUR 702.00